Successful health practices all follow the principles of staying current and competitive. This means identifying the latest innovations and protocols, knowing about today's health concerns and maintaining a strong connection with the community. Much more than "doctoring", these interests are critical to any practice owner in order to offer more for the patient.
If a doctor's name is their highest asset, connection with the public at large supports a practitioner's reputation and leadership in their specialized discipline. One's popularity as a referral comes from direct patient performance and care, but there are so many other ways to earn recognition as a clinical leader. A strong reputation builder could mean getting involved in a range of educational projects including: PUBLISHING HEALTH-RELATED TEXTS AND ARTICLES, PRODUCING VIDEOS & PODCASTS or joining HEALTH ADVOCACY orgs, to name but a few.
ACTIVE UPGRADES The launch and implementation of SPECIAL HEALTH PROGRAMS is another powerful way to connect with the patient community- by packaging a dedicated service 'package' for a specific interest group. This requires demographic research, planning & oversight and technical resources to successfully integrate them into your current process. In addition, strategically communicating this new special program supports public reception and confidence- leading to the expansion of your practice's capacity.
The professional leadership team of INTERMEDIA WORX INC. (aka IMWORX) understands the unique complexity of estblishing and promoting any health or medical program and is ready to support your practice in all stages of deployment. Our deep commitment to our clients’ investment focuses on some of the most critical business-related areas including: infrastructure 2.0 planning, public impression/reputation-building, relationship marketing (lead generation) and targeted marketing asset production. IMWORX offers a fully integrated and sustainable support model, fulfilling key frameworks of all ventures: STRATEGY, TECHNOLOGY, COMMUNICATIONS and RESOURCES. Under each category, our planners offer a sensible and cost-effective road map to trackable response, while navigating a completely organic and intuitive plan to achieve the best results—all this while putting our clients on the driver’s seat every step of the way. |
BUSINESS EXPANSION & “THE NEXT CRUSADE” A campaign is defined as any vigorous and assertive movement for the advancement of an idea or cause. The IMWORX Team aligns with your practice to offer design leadership in custom strategies and business expansion for all medical clients. The CRUSADE approach is structured around multiple streams of effort, all focused on multiple key targets using various waves of deployment and varying tools & methods. The progress (response) of each project is carefully tracked and navigated toward its dedicated objectives.
CAMPAIGN MANAGEMENT (Consultancy Roles) |
o Public Presence & Reputation Promotion |
o Brand Establishment & Support |
o Outreach Communications |
o Relationships & Lead Generation |
o Marketing Strategies & Resources |
o Content and Collateral Production |

Designing your custom messenger is one of the most effective follower or subscriber-based distribution platform. Familiar trends like E-newsletters, Podcasts, Webinars and professional groups are just some of the most successful content-driven educatonal mediums. The success of branding and name recognition for any health practice relies on strategic REPUTATION fostering and RELATIONSHIP BULDING. Under our digital age, earning the public trust starts with strong posts, popular share-worthy materials.
Supporting this for our clients means having the right publishing team. IMWORX earned over 25 years of experience in medical content development and distribution. We have honed this craft, earning some of the highest points for our clients' public recognition in their respective industries. Our client types include: NEW HEALTH ENTITIES, PHASE 2 PRACTICES (business upgrades), JOINT PARTNERSHIPS & NON-PROFIT STARTUPS.
Get dedicated management for your next program UPGRADES. This includes tech reviews, performance analysis and integration procedures within your current infrastructure. |
Promote through EDUCATION
Deploy intuitive presentations and trackable messaging about your latest programs. Your next innovation deserves earning public trust and attracting the right audience. |
Employ utilities that track the exact progress of your campaigns. Monitor the success of your clinical programs, your social media and all your media presentations from one platform. |
Before establishing a formal work commitment, the IMWORX team invests a significant amount of time (est. 25 hours) learning about the aspirations of the prospective client through meetings and internal exchange. Additional time is spent learning about their industry’s current trends. Establishing the right match between client and business developer is critical to the performance and success of any set of campaigns, and this depth of research is critical to the success of the partnership. Listed are some of these key interest points.
- Research on the prospective client’s industry & market for spending/buying trends
- Explore what marketing campaigns can work best (response driven)
- Prioritizing Goals & Develop Action Plans
- Develop the right TEAM (strategic, management, Business development resources)
- Formulate a strong Brand campaign
- Map 1: Realistic and Trackable Expectations with Client
Aside from the 25+ hours of field research invested by IMWORX to the prospective WELLNESS NOW executives, our experience in building any business dictates PRELIMINARY (pre-plan) efforts prior to confirming an official business or marketing plan. It requires gathering specific field data in order to forge a more customized set of efforts PRIOR TO actual campaigns.
- Industry Review: Study all existing programs, leaders, assets, performance and results
- Market Review: Study the consumer TRENDS vs NEEDS
- Market Survey: collect fresh data from your market (supportive of all campaigns)
- Review the current technology and critical resources
- Assess communications: Marketing trends / how entities are recruiting / sales & marketing
- Evaluate investors & partnership potential (who can help us grow?)
Phase 1:
Upon review of the latest trends (2022), here are a few of the most popular campaigns supporting health and medical practice greatly help increase REPUTATION, PUBLIC RECOGNITION and RELATIONSHIP MARKETING for client consideration include the following:
INTEGRATIVE EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMS: One of the most popular and embraced avenues for communicating the expertise of any and all health providers is through “free press” and public education. This includes:
• Health publications / Articles |
• Social media posts & networking |
• News-media / newsletters |
• Online video series / podcasts |
• Serial / subscription programs |
• Safety programs |
• Targeted micro-sites |
• Web courses / seminars |
• Conferences /expos |
• Reputation management |
• Search engine / ranking mgmt. |
• Groups / Associations |
• Internal training programs |
• Events / Production & Strategies |
•Geo-tracking program |
Education is the one noble form of engagement to the public. Its appeal in providing enrichment by directly supporting your specialized expertise while forging new relationships through lead generation. Highly driven by virtual (web) exposure and social media platforms, educational campaigns offer VIRAL, SHARE-WORTHY material from you to the digital community.
STAYING RELEVANT WITH SOCIAL MEDIA: Today’s social media is the single-most powerful (FREE) venue where any and all businesses connect. By combining the concept of forming groups/networks, educational marketing and streamlined reputation efforts, the IMWORX team can establish and manage a social media campaign designed to promote the client’s name/practice through relevant content, build new relationships and direct engagement with all pertinent connections.
VIDEO CAMPAIGNS: for face recognition and messaging of education & awareness, video employs all the most effective influencers and info distribution of “audio message and moving pictures”
BENEVOLENCE & ADVOCACY: Build a second entity focused on public service. Health and patient care aligns with noble and humanitarian efforts, where being aligned with foundation work or advocacy greatly leverages your practice.
FORM A COMMUNITY: Leading a community of your peers is to create groups or building a Network to attract future partners (and clients) |